In this piece of artwork, there are numerous black rectangles of various sizes and seven colored rectangles as well. A large portion of this work of art is covered in smaller black rectangles toward the top of the piece. Most of the rectangles are organized in columns and rows. The rectangles look as if they do not have 90 degree angles. The colored rectangles are colored turquoise, periwinkle, cranberry, olive, orange, navy blue, and pink. These colored rectangles look as if they have 90 degree angles.
I think the top of this piece represents order and uniformity. As you move down the piece the rectangles become more individual, with some chaos and then get most unique with the colors at the bottom. The colors bring a sense of happiness to the piece.
This piece of artwork has a strong composition. The smaller rectangles at the top of the piece bring the eye to the bottom of the piece. The placement of the rectangles’ sizes creates a bottom heavy but overall symmetrically balanced composition. The rectangles on the far left side of this piece do not fall into the normal grid like the others’; this helps draw the eye back to the rest of the piece after being pulled to the colored rectangles. I like this piece because the spaces between the rectangles trick your eyes into believing that the lines on the rectangles are not straight.